Projekt­entwicklung, Bau­recht­schaffung, Vermietung 

Cork Court Office courthouse

Emer­son vs. Emerson

Gene­ral Practice

$291.000 Jury verdict

We under­stand that both buy­ing and sel­ling a pro­per­ty can be a stressful expe­ri­ence, even more so if you are try­ing to do both simultaneously.

Sor­ry, the­re is not­hing to dis­play here… 

The Char­ges

You will have a dedi­ca­ted mem­ber of the team who will work with you throug­hout the who­le process.

They will make sure that ever­y­thing is explai­ned to you in plain Eng­lish so that you ful­ly under­stand every step along the way. They will also act on your behalf throug­hout the pro­cess whe­ther it’s deal­ing with:

  • Estate Agents,
  • the other party’s Conveyancer,
  • sur­vey­ors,
  • mor­tga­ge lenders
  • or anyo­ne else who needs to be involved.

The Result

We under­stand that both buy­ing and sel­ling a pro­per­ty can be a stressful expe­ri­ence, even more so if you are try­ing to do both simul­ta­neous­ly. Soli­ci­tor and Soli­ci­tor have a num­ber of high­ly expe­ri­en­ced Con­vey­an­cers who can sup­port you through your move.

Soli­ci­tor and Soli­ci­tor are an estab­lished firm of soli­ci­tors that was star­ted in 1959 as a small fami­ly busi­ness. Sin­ce then the busi­ness has grown signi­fi­cant­ly, enab­ling us to offer a wide ran­ge of services, while hop­eful­ly still main­tai­ning the per­so­nal touch that the com­pa­ny was ori­gi­nal­ly foun­ded on.

We Are Here to Pro­vi­de Legal Help

We have over 30 years of con­sul­tancy expe­ri­ence in busi­ness, real estate, cri­mi­nal and gene­ral prac­ti­ce law and we stri­ve to deliver.